Sunday 18 May 2008

The downfall

Well, my garbage-free life was a disaster. I am no good at it at all - I like chocolate WAY too much and I can't plan ahead enough to get chocolate only from Unpackaged... I surely did try to keep it up... the one thing I did do was create lots of really wonderful things from my Dumpster Diving forays. I am really good at getting cardboard now, and relatively fearless in obtaining scrap paper. On that note... I put up a couple of the sets of instructions up on Instructables - and within 8 hrs my little sewn bound notebook was a favourite! How exciting. Oh yeah, back to what I was talking about... Garbage-freeness. It didn't work. I tried. I have cut back my garbage exponentially and most importantly it has made me really think about what I buy and the packaging it comes in. People are starting to care more and more, hopefully we keep it up and it doesn't stay in the realm of the upper-middle class and disseminates to everyone.

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